Advice and tips for selling a property in Spain | Felicity Estates
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October 01, 2024

Advice and tips for selling a property in Spain

Selling a property in Spain can take weeks - often months - and this is partly because many potential buyers are not located on site but travel here from elsewhere. When an ad is lying around for many months, it usually gives a bad impression. Something that can negatively affect the buyers, reduce interest or cause them to make a shame bid. However, there is a lot you as a seller can do to speed up the process.

The most important thing is of course the price and if you really want to sell, not just test the market, our recommendation is to scan the offer in the near area properly or have your agent do a proper valuation. Place yourself at the right level, maybe even slightly below competing properties in the area, and you'll have a better chance of getting viewings and selling faster.

Another important thing is that the pictures really do the home justice. Prepare the shoot well, remove too personal things and decorations, clear things that stick out too much and furniture that makes it feel dark and cramped. Clean properly so that the home is clean and tidy and does not give a messy impression, including the outdoor spaces. Fix things that are broken, paint the walls in neutral colors, make sure light sources work and are used and let in as much natural light as possible.

On the contrary, if the property is unfurnished, it may be worth thinking about doing a simple home staging, unfurnished rooms tend to look smaller and the pictures easily become boring and uninviting.

Gather and provide the agent with all necessary documentation for the property. Potential buyers want to know the exact measurements - not the approximate ones. They also want to have full control over the fixed costs and any future renovations in the community that will affect the monthly cost. The more clear information from the start, the better. Most portals reward ads that have floor plans, energy certificates as well as video and/or virtual tours, which means they get more clicks and more interested parties.

Be prepared that there may be many viewings (if you are lucky) during a period. Keep in mind that many potential buyers on the Costa del Sol, do not live here. They come to visit for a few days to find their dream home and it helps a lot to be flexible, to be able to show different times and days of the week and to be open for showings at short notice. The very best thing is if we as agents can have our own key and can show the property without you as the seller being at home. The potential buyers usually feel more comfortable and relaxed if the owners are not at home during the showings.

Finally, almost all buyers make an offer that is below the asking price and as a seller you need to be prepared to negotiate the price. This does not mean agreeing to anything, but opening up to a conversation and listening to requests and arguments. As an agent, we help you see what is realistic, whether it is worth meeting a buyer halfway or better to wait for the next interested party.

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