Semana Santa in Málaga | Felicity Estates
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April 12, 2022

Semana Santa in Málaga

Easter, or Semana Santa, means high season on the Costa del Sol. It is the official start of the summer season and beaches and beach restaurants have been carefully prepared for all visitors, both long-distance and domestic tourists. It is a week when many Spaniards take the opportunity to enjoy the usually beautiful weather on the coast and maybe even take their first dip in the sea! It is also a week to enjoy good food and the outdoor terraces that have been arranged and fixed after the winter.

But the main attraction is the beautiful and special Easter processions that fill the streets in most towns and villages, all with their own charm, but where the city of Málaga stands out as the place with the most and the largest thrones. You do not have to be a Catholic to fully enjoy this beautiful and unique spectacle. It is a feast for all the senses and the especially the center is bustling with excitement when the processions wander the streets for several hours, accompanied by orchestras, the scent of incense and Málaga citizens that walk around from corner to corner of the city to experience the processions in different places.

Semana Santa in Málaga is something very special and if you are here, do not miss it! Here you can download the program for the processions in the city of Málaga:

Happy Easter!

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